


A search can display a set of results

Using a ui input allows you to use additional input types, like this icon input


A search can display results from remote content ordered by categories

Local Search

A search can look for results inside a static local source.

By default, results will return content first that begin with the query text, but also afterward content that matches the query anywhere inside. To disable full text search you can specify in settings fullTextSearch: false.
$('') .search({ source: content }) ;

Local Category Search
New in 2.3

A search can look for category results inside a static local source.

By default, results will return content first that begin with the query text, but also afterward content that matches the query anywhere inside. To disable full text search you can specify in settings fullTextSearch: false.
$('') .search({ type: 'category', source: categoryContent }) ;



A search can show a loading indicator


New in 2.3.1

A search can show it is currently unable to be interacted with


A search can have its results take up the width of its container


A search can have its results aligned to its left or right container edge


Search is built ontop of Semantic API behaviors to allow for URL templating, and UI state management. Please check out the API documentation for more information on adjusting API settings.

Automatic Routing

By default search will automatically route to the named API endpoint 'search'

// initializes with default endpoint /search/{query} $('') .search({ type: 'category' }) ;

Named URL

You can specify custom API settings to adjust the url, callback settings, or specify a different API action.

$('') .search({ // change search endpoint to a custom endpoint by manipulating apiSettings apiSettings: { url: 'custom-search/?q={query}' }, type: 'category' }) ;

Local Object

Local search results allow you to search across specified properties of a javacript object literal looking for matching values

You can set which fields are searchable using the searchFields setting. Local object search can only display standard search results (not categories).

// searches across any array/object of searchable objects var content = [ { title: 'Horse', description: 'An Animal', }, { title: 'Cow', description: 'Another Animal', } ] ; $('') .search({ source : content, searchFields : [ 'title' ], fullTextSearch: false }) ;

Server Responses

You may also consider adding a top level property like success: true and using API's successTest parameter to determine whether a server response is actually succesful, even if it returns the correct HTTP code


{ "results": [ { "title": "Result Title", "url": "/optional/url/on/click", "image": "optional-image.jpg", "price": "Optional Price", "description": "Optional Description" }, { "title": "Result Title", "description": "Result Description" } ], // optional action below results "action": { "url": '/path/to/results', "text": "View all 202 results" } }


{ "results": { "category1": { "name": "Category 1", "results": [ { "title": "Result Title", "url": "/optional/url/on/click", "image": "optional-image.jpg", "price": "Optional Price", "description": "Optional Description" }, { "title": "Result Title", "url": "/optional/url/on/click", "image": "optional-image.jpg", "price": "Optional Price", "description": "Optional Description" } ] }, "category2": { "name": "Category 2", "results": [ { "title": "Result Title", "url": "/optional/url/on/click", "image": "optional-image.jpg", "price": "Optional Price", "description": "Optional Description" } ] } }, // optional action below results "action": { "url": '/path/to/results', "text": "View all 202 results" } }

Retreiving Results

Unique IDs

If no id property is included on a result, a key will automatically be generated when your results are returned for each result.

IDs are generated using the position in the results, for example the first element will receive the id 1, and the first category result will receive the id a1.

An id or search result title can then be used with get result(value) to return the result object.

// get result from current query results with the title cat $('') .search('get result', 'cat') ; // get first result from first category with category search $('') .search('get result', 'a1') ; // get first result from standard search $('') .search('get result', '1') ;


All the following behaviors can be called using the syntax:

$('.your.element') .search('behavior name', argumentOne, argumentTwo) ;
Behavior Description
query (callback) Search for value currently set in search input
display message(text, type) Displays message in search results with text, using template matching type
cancel query Cancels current remote search query
search local(query) Search local object for specified query and display results
has minimum characters Whether has minimum characters
search remote(query, callback) Search remote endpoint for specified query and display results
search object(query, object, searchFields) Search object for specified query and return results
cancel query Cancels current remote search request
is focused Whether search is currently focused
is visible Whether search results are visible
is empty Whether search results are empty
get value Returns current search value
get result(value) Returns JSON object matching searched title or id (see above)
set value(value) Sets search input to value
read cache(query) Reads cached results for query
clear cache(query) Clears value from cache, if no parameter passed clears all cache
write cache(query) Writes cached results for query
add results(html) Adds HTML to results and displays
show results(callback) Shows results container
hide results(callback) Hides results container
generate results(response) Generates results using parser specified by settings.template
destroy Removes all events


Using Different Response Fields

Search expects a very specific API response, however you can easily modify the mapping of server response to displayed field using the fields parameter.

$('') .search({ apiSettings: { url: '//{query}' }, fields: { results : 'items', title : 'name', url : 'html_url' }, minCharacters : 3 }) ;

Using API Settings

API provides a callback onResponse that can be used to restructure third party APIs to match the expected server response for search.

You can also use mockResponseAsync to use a custom backend for fullfilling searches.

$('') .search({ type : 'category', minCharacters : 3, apiSettings : { onResponse: function(githubResponse) { var response = { results : {} } ; // translate GitHub API response to work with search $.each(githubResponse.items, function(index, item) { var language = item.language || 'Unknown', maxResults = 8 ; if(index >= maxResults) { return false; } // create new language category if(response.results[language] === undefined) { response.results[language] = { name : language, results : [] }; } // add result to category response.results[language].results.push({ title :, description : item.description, url : item.html_url }); }); return response; }, url: '//{query}' } }) ;



Default Description
{ action: 'search' }
Settings for API call.
minCharacters 1 Minimum characters to query for results
searchOnFocus true Whether search should show results on focus (must also match min character length)
transition fade Named transition to use when animating menu in and out. Fade and slide down are available without including ui transitions
duration 300 Duration of animation events
maxResults 7 Maximum results to display when using local and simple search, maximum category count for category search
cache true Caches results locally to avoid requerying server
source false Specify a Javascript object which will be searched locally
selectFirstResult false Whether the search should automatically select the first search result after searching
showNoResults false Whether a "no results" message should be shown if no results are found. (These messages can be modified using the template object specified below)
fullTextSearch 'exact' Specifying to "true" will use a fuzzy full text search, setting to "exact" will force the exact search to be matched somewhere in the string, setting to false will only match to start of string. (This setting was previously called searchFullText.)
fields: { categories : 'results', // array of categories (category view) categoryName : 'name', // name of category (category view) categoryResults : 'results', // array of results (category view) description : 'description', // result description image : 'image', // result image price : 'price', // result price results : 'results', // array of results (standard) title : 'title', // result title action : 'action', // "view more" object name actionText : 'text', // "view more" text actionURL : 'url' // "view more" url }
List mapping display content to JSON property, either with API or source.
[ 'title', 'description' ]
Specify object properties inside local source object which will be searched
hideDelay 0 Delay before hiding results after search blur
searchDelay 100 Delay before querying results on inputchange
easing easeOutExpo Easing equation when using fallback Javascript animation


Context Description
onSelect(result, response) module Callback on element selection by user. The first parameter includes the filtered response results for that element. The function should return false to prevent default action (closing search results and selecting value).
onResultsAdd(html) module Callback after processing element template to add HTML to results. Function should return false to prevent default actions.
onSearchQuery(query) module Callback on search query
onResults(response) module Callback on server response
onResultsOpen results element Callback when results are opened
onResultsClose results element Callback when results are closed


These templates are used to generate the HTML structures for search results

By specifying a search as type: 'customType', and a custom template under $ you can create custom search results. Keep in mind that .title will be used for matching results onSelect
$ : { escape: function(string) { // returns escaped string for injected results }, message: function(message, type) { // returns html for message with given message and type }, category: function(response) { // returns results html for category results }, standard: function(response) { // returns results html for standard results } }


These settings are native to all modules, and define how the component ties content to DOM attributes, and debugging settings for the module.

Default Description
name Search Name used in log statements
namespace search Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
regExp: { escape : /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, beginsWith : '(?:\s|^)' }
Regular expressions used for matching
selector : { prompt : '.prompt', searchButton : '.search.button', results : '.results', category : '.category', result : '.result' }
Selectors used to find parts of a module
metadata: { cache : 'cache', results : 'results' }
HTML5 metadata attributes used internally
className: { active : 'active', empty : 'empty', focus : 'focus', loading : 'loading', pressed : 'down' }
Class names used to determine element state
silent False Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings.
debug false Debug output to console
performance true Show console.table output with performance metrics
verbose false Debug output includes all internal behaviors
error : { source : 'Cannot search. No source used, and Semantic API module was not included', noResults : 'Your search returned no results', logging : 'Error in debug logging, exiting.', noTemplate : 'A valid template name was not specified.', serverError : 'There was an issue with querying the server.', maxResults : 'Results must be an array to use maxResults setting', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' },

Dimmer Message
Dimmer sub-header