


Popup includes both a javascript version (with a full featureset) and a limited CSS only version, which can be useful in pages that use many popups, or with libraries like React or Meteor to avoid handling DOM lifecycle.


An element can specify popup content to appear


An element can specify popup content with a title


An element can specify HTML for a popup

My Neighbor Totoro
Two sisters move to the country with their father in order to be closer to their hospitalized mother, and discover the surrounding trees are inhabited by magical spirits.


An element can display a popup that is already included in the page

In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated.

No Javascript

New in 2.2

An element can specify a simple tooltip that can appear without javascript

Tooltips use an element's :before and :after pseudo classes. Elements like icon that already use these classes for styling will need to have the tooltips to a wrapping element, like a button, or a span to make sure tooltips work correctly.
Top Left
Top Center
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Center
Bottom Right
Right Center
Left Center
Top Left
Top Center
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Center
Bottom Right
Right Center
Left Center



A popup can provide more basic formatting


A popup can be extra wide to allow for longer content


A fluid popup will take up the entire width of its offset container

Show fluid popup


A popup can vary in size


A popup can have no maximum width and continue to flow to fit its content

Show flowing popup


A popup can have its colors inverted


Initializing A Popup

A popup is initialized on an activating element

$('.activating.element') .popup() ;

Using a Pre-existing Popup

Using a pre-existing popup allows for you to include complex HTML inside your popup.

If you include your popup on page load as an adjacent sibling element to your activating element it can be found automatically.

To instruct popup to look inline for your popup element you can initialize it with the inline parameter

$('.button') .popup({ inline: true }) ;

Using a Pre-existing Popup Anywhere

If you cannot include your popup element as a sibling element, you can specify a custom selector to retrieve your popup

$('.button') .popup({ popup: '.special.popup' }) ;

Specifying Content In Metadata

Frequently used settings like, title, content, HTML, or offset or variation, can be included in HTML metadata

Specifying Content

Popups can specify content in three ways:

  • Using HTML title attribute
  • Using data-content attribute
  • Using data-html for specific HTML
  • Using the content property in the initialization of the popup

Popups can also specify some other frequently used settings using metadata

  • data-variation: the popup variation to use
  • data-offset: a pixel offset correction for popup
  • data-position: the side to position popup on

Specifying Content In Javascript

$('.ui.popup') .popup({ title : 'Popup Title', content : 'Hello I am a popup' }) ;


All the following behaviors can be called using the syntax:

$('.your.element') .popup('behavior name', argumentOne, argumentTwo) ;
Behavior Description
show Shows popup
hide Hides popup
hide all Hides all visible pop ups on the page
get popup Returns current popup dom element
change content(html) Changes current popup content
toggle Toggles visibility of popup
is visible Returns whether popup is visible
is hidden Returns whether popup is hidden
exists Returns whether popup is created and inserted into the page
reposition Adjusts popup when content size changes (only necessary for centered popups)
set position(position) Repositions a popup
destroy Removes popup from the page and removes all events
remove popup Removes popup from the page


Specifying Popup Boundaries
New in 2.2

Popups now include a new setting boundary that let you specify that a popup should not escape the boundary of another section. This can be useful in complex paned layouts

Additionally popups can now specify a scroll context, to allow for scroll containers other than window to cause a clicked popup to hide on scroll.

$('.boundary.example .button') .popup({ boundary: '.boundary.example .segment' }) ;
Hover Me

Normally this popup would open in the default position top center but because this would escape the boundaries of the segment it will search other available positions until it can find one to place the popup while staying inside the segment

Wide Popup Menu

An easier way to display complex content, like a wide popup menu is to have the popup content as a pre- existing part of your page's HTML.

Using the setting inline: true will let Semantic know to display the next sibling ui popup element after the activator.

Tweaking settings like the delay for show, and hide, and making the menu hoverable will help it function more like a dropdown menu

$('.example .menu .browse') .popup({ inline : true, hoverable : true, position : 'bottom left', delay: { show: 300, hide: 800 } }) ;

Specifying a selector for a popup

If its not possible to include the popup content as the next sibling, you can also specify a custom selector to help link the popup contents to its activator.

Using an inline popup may require specifying a min-width on your popup, if your popup content will appear outside the boundaries of its parent element.
$('.example .custom.button') .popup({ popup : $('.custom.popup'), on : 'click' }) ;
Show custom popup

Specifying a trigger event

A popup trigger event can be specified

$('.example .teal.button') .popup({ on: 'click' }) ; $('.example input') .popup({ on: 'focus' }) ;
Click Me

Target Element

A popup can specify a different target element than itself to show a popup

$('.test.button') .popup({ position : 'right center', target : '.test.image', title : 'My favorite dog', content : 'My favorite dog would like other dogs as much as themselves' }) ;
Hover Me

Inline or relative to page

A popup can either be inserted directly after an element, or added as a child element to the page's body.

Using inline will allow your popups to go places other popups can't go, like inside fixed or absolutely positioned elements
If you want to style each popup individually it makes sense to keep popup inline: true. If you are worried that your pop up might mistakingly inherit styles that it shouldn't, you should set inline: false.
/* this will only style the popup if inline is true */ .example .popup { color: #FF0000; }
$('.inline.icon') .popup({ inline: true }) ;


A popup can be positioned to any side of an element. If space is not available, it will automatically search for a similar alternative position to use.

Specifying an offset

A popup position can be adjusted manually by specifying an offset property using data-offset="value"


A popup can use any named ui transition.

$('.selection') .dropdown({ onChange: function(value) { $('.demo.icon') .popup({ transition: value }) .popup('toggle') ; } }) ;

Popup Settings
Settings to configure popup behavior

Setting Default Description
popup false Can specify a DOM element that should be used as the popup. This is useful for including a pre-formatted popup.
exclusive false Whether all other popups should be hidden when this popup is opened
movePopup true Whether to move popup to same offset container as target element when popup already exists on the page. Using a popup inside of an element without overflow:visible, like a sidebar, may require you to set this to false
observeChanges true Whether popup should attach mutationObservers to automatically run destroy when the element is removed from the page's DOM.
boundary window When the popup surpasses the boundary of this element, it will attempt to find another display position.
context body Selector or jquery object specifying where the popup should be created.
scrollContext window Will automatically hide a popup on scroll event in this context
jitter 2 Number of pixels that a popup is allowed to appear outside the boundaries of its context. This allows for permissible rounding errors when an element is against the edge of its context.
position top left Position that the popup should appear
inline false If a popup is inline it will be created next to current element, allowing for local css rules to apply. It will not be removed from the DOM after being hidden. Otherwise popups will appended to body and removed after being hidden.
preserve false Whether popup contents should be preserved in the page after being hidden, allowing it to re-appear slightly faster on subsequent loads.
prefer adjacent Can be set to adjacent or opposite to prefer adjacent or opposite position if popup cannot fit on screen
lastResort false When set to false, a popup will not appear and produce an error message if it cannot entirely fit on page. Setting this to a position like, right center forces the popup to use this position as a last resort even if it is partially offstage. Setting this to true will use the last attempted position.
on hover Event used to trigger popup. Can be either focus, click, hover, or manual. Manual popups must be triggered with $('.element').popup('show');
delay: { show: 50, hide: 0 }
Delay in milliseconds before showing or hiding a popup on hover or focus
transition slide down Named transition to use when animating menu in and out.
duration 200 Duration of animation events
New in 2.3
20 When a target element is less than 2x this amount, the popup will appear with the arrow centered on the target element, instead of with the popup edge matching the target's edge.
setFluidWidth true Whether popup should set fluid popup variation width on load to avoid width: 100% including padding
hoverable false Whether popup should not close on hover (useful for popup navigation menus)
closable true When using on: 'click' specifies whether clicking the page should close the popup
addTouchEvents true When using on: 'hover' whether touchstart events should be added to allow the popup to be triggered
hideOnScroll auto Whether popup should hide on scroll or touchmove, auto only hides for popups without on: 'click'.
Set this to false to prevent mobile browsers from closing popups when you tap inside input fields.
target false If a selector or jQuery object is specified this allows the popup to be positioned relative to that element.
distanceAway 0 Offset for distance of popup from element
offset 0 Offset in pixels from calculated position
maxSearchDepth 10 Number of iterations before giving up search for popup position when a popup cannot fit on screen


Callbacks specify a function to occur after a specific behavior.

Parameters Context Description
onCreate $module $popup Callback on popup element creation, with created popup
onRemove $module $popup Callback immediately before Popup is removed from DOM
onShow $module $popup Callback before popup is shown. Returning false from this callback will cancel the popup from showing.
onVisible $module $popup Callback after popup is shown
onHide $module $popup Callback before popup is hidden. Returning false from this callback will cancel the popup from hiding.
onHidden $module $popup Callback after popup is hidden
onUnplaceable $module $popup Callback after popup cannot be placed on screen

Content Settings
Settings to specify popup contents

Setting Description
variation Popup variation to use, can use multiple variations with a space delimiter
content Content to display
title Title to display alongside content
html HTML content to display instead of preformatted title and content

DOM Settings
DOM settings specify how this module should interface with the DOM

Setting Default Description
namespace popup Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
selector : { popup : '.ui.popup' }
DOM Selectors used internally
metadata: { content : 'content', html : 'html', offset : 'offset', position : 'position', title : 'title', variation : 'variation' }
HTML Data attributes used to store data
className : { loading : 'loading', popup : 'ui popup', position : 'top left center bottom right', visible : 'visible' }
Class names used to attach style to state

Debug Settings
Debug settings controls debug output to the console

Setting Default Description
name Popup Name used in debug logs
silent false Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings.
debug false Provides standard debug output to console
performance true Provides standard debug output to console
verbose true Provides ancillary debug output to console
error: { invalidPosition : 'The position you specified is not a valid position', cannotPlace : 'Popup does not fit within the boundaries of the viewport', method : 'The method you called is not defined.', noTransition : 'This module requires ui transitions ', notFound : 'The target or popup you specified does not exist on the page' }

Dimmer Message
Dimmer sub-header